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Chapter in an anthology

Hakvoort, I., Svensson, K. & Swärd, A-K (2019). EU-projekt – samverkan I mångfald [EU-project – collaboration in diversity] Chapter in an anthology about collaboration with partners outside the university, Report series of the department of Education and Special Education - RIPS, University of Gothenburg. Available autumn 2019 at  [in swedish]


Conference presentation

Hakvoort, I. (2019). Learning Communities for Peace (LCP).Poster presentation at UHR:s thematic conference on active citizenship and democracy (UHR- Universitets och högskolerådet) [Swedish Council for Higher Education – EU:s national agency]. Stockholm, April, 5.  [in swedish]


Hakvoort, I., Swärd, A-K, & Svensson, K. (2019). Building a Learning Community for Peace through partnership with school. Conference presentation. ECER-2019 Hamburg, Germany, September 3-6. 


Hakvoort, I., Swärd, A-K, & Svensson, K. (2019). Styra eller inte styra? Om medskapande processer och delat ägarskap. [Steering or not steering? About co-creative processes and shared ownership] Conference presentation. NORALF (Nordic Network for Action Research) Gothenburg, October 3-4.  [in swedish]


Website/media articles


Arpi, T. (2019 - university webb). Kraftigt minskat skolstök tack vare projekt koordinerat av Göteborgs universitet. [Significant reduction of messiness in the school thanks to the project coordination of the University of Gothenburg] Received 20190916 from  [in swedish]

(2019 - university web) Strategiskt partnerskap för fred [Strategic partnership for peace] Received 20190916 from  [in swedish]









Bilić Meštrić, K., &  Blanka T. (2012). Teaching as dialogue. Aktualna istraživanja u primijenjenoj lingvistici: zbornik radova s 25. meÄ‘unarodnog skupa HDPL-a održanog 12.-14. svibnja 2011. u Osijeku. Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku.

Riel, M. (2010). Understanding collaborative action research. Research Methods in the Social Sciences 17(1), 89-96. On internet


Website/media articles



Warren, M.R. & Mapp, K.L. (2011). A match on dry grass _ community organizing as a catalyst for school reform. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Robinson, W. & Campbell, J. (2010). Effective Teaching in Gifted Education: Using a Whole School Approach. London: Routledge.


Earl, L., Hargreaves, A., & Ryan, J. (2013). Schooling for change: Reinventing education for early adolescents. London: Routledge.


Anyon, J. (2014). Radical possibilities: Public policy, urban education, and a new social movement. London: Routledge.


Haynes, J. (2003). Children as philosophers: Learning through enquiry and dialogue in the primary classroom. Routledge.





Learning Communities for Peace (web site summary), available at:


LCP - Paper For Community Groups, available at:


LCP UK Multipier events


More information can be found on:





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Freire, P. (1996). Pedagogy of the oppressed (revised). New York: Continuum.


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